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发布时间:2021-04-21 05:48:38

Ⅰ 英文翻译

摘 要
Picking Wanting

more and more extremity remnants joined society's ranks now, the orbital transportation has become the people to go to work, one of the leisure, entertainment's main transportation vehicles, the extremity remnants also needed to use the orbital transportation to live in the big city. The orbital transportation is also also getting more and more widespread to disabled person's survival and the development pays attention, and the wide range presents the non-barrier facility in each orbital transportation station inner space. Here will point out the orbital transportation station interior non-barrier design to the extremity remnants the merit and the insufficiency. In this basis to the extremity remnants characteristic's summary, and attempts in the parsing process to discover some design proposal, puts forward some proposals for the later orbital transportation station inner space's non-barrier design, hoped that can provide some references for the later designers.

Ⅱ 重庆轨道交通 英文报站

以重庆轨道交通3号线红旗河沟站换乘6号线为例,英文报站如下:The next station is HongQiHeGou,the interchange station of line 6,and doors on right side will be opened.这个专是还没到红旗属河沟的播报,到红旗河沟后:We're arriving at HongQiHeGou,to avoid clipping,please do not touch doors before opening.

Ⅲ 城市轨道交通运营管理英文名

城市轨道交通运营管理 英文:
Traffic management of city rail transit

Ⅳ 城市轨道交通定义、英文翻译

Urban rail transit is an all-encompassing term for various types of local rail systems serving urban or older suburban areas. The vast majority of modern urban rail vehicles run on electricity. The set of urban rail systems can be roughly subdivided into four categories, which sometimes overlap, causing some systems or lines to have aspects of each。

From Wikipedia

Ⅳ BRT的英文全称是什么

快速公交系统(Bus Rapid Transit)简称BRT ,是一种介于快速轨道交通(Rapid Rail Transit,简称RRT)与常规公交(Normal Bus Transit,简称NBT)之间的新型公共客运系统,是一种大运量交通方式,通常也被人称作“地面上的地铁系统”。它是利用现代化公交技术配合智能交通和运营管理,开辟公交专用道路和建造新式公交车站公交专用道路和建造新式公交车站公交专用道路和建造新式公交车站

Ⅵ “轨道交通”翻译成英文

Rail Traffic

Ⅶ 轨道交通系铁道供电071班怎么翻译成英文

Mass Transit Railway system power supply 071 class

Ⅷ 轨道交通戏铁道供电071班怎么翻译成英文

The orbital transportation institution and railroad supplies power 071 classes提问者写错了应该是轨道交通系铁道供电071班,系写成戏了。

Ⅸ 请问地铁在英语中metro,subway,understand还有哪几种说法请举例!2、它们在句中的用法请举例!

1、metro 往往指伦敦地铁,后来广泛流传到欧洲各地,该词也因而从法语进入英语,故在英语里指地铁的时候,偏英式。

例:an underground train system, especially the one in Paristo travel on the metro / by metro


2、subway 美国居多,偏美式,而在英式英语里大多数情况是「过街地下通道」的意思。

例:an underground railway/railroad system in a city the New York subway


3、underground 一般特指伦敦地铁,其他国家和城市的地铁鲜有用这个的。

例:under the surface of the ground Rescuers found victims trapped several feet underground


line指 界线;(尤指运动场地的)场地线,场界


城市的地铁系统在英国英语中通常称为underground(常作the Underground),在北美英语中为subway。说英国英语的人指美国城市的地铁亦用subway,而指其他欧洲国家的地铁则用metro。the Metro为巴黎和华盛顿市的地铁名称;伦敦的地铁通常称作the Tube。


1、a run-down shopping area with an underground car park.


2、...the underground Kashmir Liberation Front...


3、After the violent clashes of 1981 they either went underground or left the country.


4、..the Bay Area Rapid Transit subway system...


5、The majority of us feel worried if we walk through a subway.




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